
Exclusions for MHI policies

Friday, December 21, 2007
Posted by insurance terms

A MHI policy also contains certain exclusions, just like other insurance policies. You must be aware what these are and if you don’t understand them, ask your agent or insurance company. Some common exclusions are the following:

Pre-existing conditions – Conditions and illnesses experienced by you prior to applying for the policy. These conditions and illnesses would be excluded from coverage by your
insurance company. You should check with your insurance company regarding the details of pre-existing conditions for the policy that you intend to buy.

Specified illnesses – These are defined as 12 disabilities (e.g. tumours and gastritis) and their related conditions. You will not be covered for these illnesses if the illnesses have been treated or occurred during the first 12 months of your policy.

Qualifying/waiting period – You will not be eligible for any claim arising from any medical or physical conditions within the first 30 days of the cover, except for accidental injuries.


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