
Cancelling your policy

Friday, December 21, 2007
Posted by insurance terms

You may cancel your MHI policy by giving a written notice to the insurance company. For certain types of MHI policies, you may be entitled to a certain amount of refund of the premium, provided that you have not made a claim on the policy. You can obtain details of the policy cancellation process, including the amount of premium refund, in the policy contract, or from your insurance company or its agents.

It is important that you understand the terms used in a MHI policy. If you have any doubts about the meanings of these terms, you should ask your agent or the insurance company. As a MHI policy is a legal contract, the meanings used in the policy will apply when a claim is made. Some of the more important terms are as follows (These are not the legal meanings. Please refer to your policy contract for the actual definitions):

Pre-existing conditions – These are conditions or illnesses that existed before the effective date of a MHI policy, for which you are receiving treatment or have shown symptoms. It doesn’t matter whether you are aware of them or not. If you had consulted a medical doctor for any pain or discomfort, this would be regarded as a symptom of a disability.

Overseas treatment – You may or may not be covered for treatment obtained overseas, subject to the exclusions, limitations and conditions specified in the policy contract.

Misstatement of age – Your age is an important rating factor in your MHI policy. If you have misstated your age and the premium paid as a result is not enough, any claim payable under the policy will be pro-rated, based on the ratio of the actual premium paid to the correct premium that should have been charged.

Qualifying/waiting period – Most MHI policies contain a waiting period for illness and disease, which means that eligibility for benefits under the policy will only start 30 days after the effective date of the policy.

Residence overseas – If you were to live or travel out of Malaysia for more than 90 consecutive days, no benefits will be payable for medical treatment outside Malaysia.

Free-look period – If you decide not to take up a MHI policy, you can cancel the policy by returning it to the insurance company within 15 days from the date of issue. You will be entitled to a refund of the full premium, after deducting administrative expenses incurred by the insurance company for issuing the policy. These expenses shall be RM50 or 10% of the gross premium paid, whichever is lesser.


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