
Health Insurance Terms I

Friday, December 21, 2007
Posted by insurance terms

Identification Card
A card given to each person covered under the plan which identifies him or her as being eligible for benefits.

Identification of Benefits
A provision that the cost of putting a disabled insured in touch with and in the care of relatives will be reimbursed, usually up to a maximum amount.

In-Area Services
Services which are provided within the "authorized" service area as designated in the plan.

Individual Contract
A contract made with an individual that covers that individual and perhaps also specified members of his family for benefits as described in the policy.

Individual Practice Association (IPA) Model HMO
A situation where an individual practice association is contracted with to provide health care services. The individual practice association contracts with individual physicians or groups of physicians for their services.

Inflation Factor
A premium loading to provide for future increases in medical costs and loss payments resulting from inflation.

Inflation Protection
Provisions in a health insurance policy that increase benefit levels to account for anticipated increases in the cost of covered services.

In-Force Business
Life or Health Insurance for which premiums are being paid or for which premiums have been fully paid. The term refers to the total face amount of a Life insurer's portfolio of business. In Health Insurance it refers to the total premium volume of an insurer's portfolio of business.

Initial Eligibility Period
The time period during which prospective members can apply for coverage without providing evidence of insurability.

Inside Limits
Limits placed on hospital expense benefits which modify benefits from the overall maximums listed in the policy. An inside limit when applied to room and board, limits the benefit to not only a maximum amount payable, but also limits the number of days the benefit will be paid. (H)

Insurance In Force
The annual premium payable on current contracts of insurance.

Integrated LTC Rider
A LTC rider which is added to a life insurance policy whereby LTC benefits paid will reduce the life insurance policy's benefits. LTC benefits are dependent on the life insurance benefits available.

Intentional Injury
An injury resulting from an act, the doer of which had as his intent, inflicting injury. In an accident insurance contract, an intentionally self-inflicted injury is not covered (because it is not an accident). In general, intentional injuries inflicted on the insured are covered (assuming no collusion).

Intermediate Care
A level of care associated with a skilled nursing facility which provides nursing care under the supervision of physicians or a registered nurse. The care provided is a step down from the degree of care described as skilled nursing care.

Intermediate Care Facility
A facility licensed by the state, which provides nursing care to persons who do not require the degree of care which a hospital or skilled nursing facility provides.

Intermediate Disability
See Temporary Partial Disability and Permanent Partial Disability.

Intermediate Report
A claim report on the condition of a continuing disability. (H,WC)***

International Association of Health Underwriters
An association of agents and related personnel on the Health Insurance business. (H)



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