
General Insurance Terms For W

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Posted by insurance terms

War Risk
Excluded under standard policy forms.In Marine Insurance,it can be readily included subject to cancellation provisions.In non-marine insurance,war risk tend to only be covered in a specialist market.Insurers are always wary of selection against them.In the other words,why should they grant cover if hostilities look likely when the insured did not request over when there were no problems.

Warehouse to Warehouse
This cover is quite usual under any Marine Cargo policy covering goods moving from manufactures premises to the con signee’s warehouse at the fin final destination.

A Policy condition which,if not complied with,may have the effect of invalidating the whole the whole policy.An example is the requirement to use a burglar alarm in a jewellery shop.

Wear and Tear
Policies exclude this sort of damage.It is not accidental but inevitable with most goods.

With average
Marine cargo insurance term where cover includes partial losses.The term is now obsolete since the introduction of the Institute Cargo Clause.

Workers (Workman’s )Compensation
See Employee’s Compensation.Payment to employees injured at work under a scale of benefits set down under status in various countries.


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